Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Nintendo 3DS Cheats - LEGO Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Video Game

Cheat Mode
Use one of the following cheat codes at the mainmenu/options/Codes
Code: --- Result:
dlrr45 --- Angelica (disguised)
vgf32c --- Angry Cannibal
d3dw0d --- Blackbeard
zm37gt --- Clanker
644thf --- Clubba
4djlkr --- Davy Jones
ld9454 --- Governor Weatherby Swann
y611wb --- Gunner
64bnhg --- Hungry Cannibal
vdjspw --- Jack Sparrow
bwo656 --- Jacoby
13glw5 --- Jimmy Legs
rked43 --- King George
rt093g --- Koehler
gdetde --- Mistress Ching
wev040 --- Phillip
rx58hu --- Quartermaster
p861jo --- The Spaniard
kdlfkd --- Unlock twigg

Infinite air

Hello people that are reading my trick don't get mad if someone already knew this here go's okay so you know how you have an little oxygen bubble if you buy or use the cheat code for davy jones as a character you can use him underwater, the air bubble will dissapear.

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