Saturday, January 16, 2016

Playstation 4 Cheats - Alien Isolation

To unlock the following Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
A Hunt Begins (Bronze Trophy) --- Complete the third mission
A Perfect Organism (Bronze Trophy) --- Encounter the Alien in Sevastopol for the first time
A Record of Disaster (Bronze Trophy) --- Collect an archive log
A Synthetic Solution (Bronze Trophy) --- Complete the twelfth mission
A True Engineer (Bronze Trophy) --- Construct one of each craftable item
Alien: Isolation (Platinum Trophy) --- Unlocked every Alien: Isolation trophy
An Outpost of Progress (Bronze Trophy) --- Complete the seventh mission
Archivist (Bronze Trophy) --- Collect 10 Nostromo logs in the main campaign
Awake (Bronze Trophy) --- Complete the first mission
Bait (Bronze Trophy) --- Complete the tenth mission
Build to Survive (Bronze Trophy) --- Construct an item
Caught in the Trap (Bronze Trophy) --- Complete the sixth mission
Consultation (Bronze Trophy) --- Complete the thirteenth mission
End of the Hunt (Bronze Trophy) --- Complete the eighteenth mission
Every Bullet Counts (Bronze Trophy) --- Use the revolver
Fault Detected (Bronze Trophy) --- Kill an Android
Free the Torrens (Bronze Trophy) --- Complete the seventeenth mission
Hazard Containment (Bronze Trophy) --- Complete the eleventh mission
Hide. Run. Survive. (Silver Trophy) --- Complete the fifth mission without being killed by the Alien
How Do You Feel? (Bronze Trophy) --- Complete the fifth mission
I Admire its Purity (Bronze Trophy) --- Detect 30 targets with the motion tracker
Just out of Reach (Bronze Trophy) --- Contact your team and escape Comms without being attacked by an android
Light 'em Up (Bronze Trophy) --- Use the flamethrower
Mercy or Prudence? (Gold Trophy) --- Complete the game without killing any humans
My Turn Now (Silver Trophy) --- Kill an android using only the maintenance jack
Not a Scratch (Bronze Trophy) --- Escape from android combat without taking damage
One Shot (Gold Trophy) --- Complete the game without dying
Power Games (Bronze Trophy) --- Access 10 different rewire points
Ripley, Signing Off (Silver Trophy) --- Complete the game on any difficulty setting
Seegson Security Bypass (Bronze Trophy) --- Perform 10 successful hacks
Seegson Systems Expert (Bronze Trophy) --- Complete 10 minigames successfully
Self Defense (Bronze Trophy) --- Kill 10 humans
She's in the Vents... (Bronze Trophy) --- Use the vent system 20 times
Shock to the System (Bronze Trophy) --- Use the stun baton
Survivor (Gold Trophy) --- Complete the game on the hardest difficulty setting
The Message (Bronze Trophy) --- Complete the fifteenth mission
The Missing (Bronze Trophy) --- Collect an ID tag
The Taken (Silver Trophy) --- Collect all ID tags
This Should Work (Bronze Trophy) --- Use the bolt gun
Throwing the Switch (Bronze Trophy) --- Complete the fourteenth mission
Transmission (Bronze Trophy) --- Complete the sixteenth mission
Use With Caution... (Bronze Trophy) --- Use the shotgun
Voices of Sevastopol (Silver Trophy) --- Collect 100 archive logs
Welcome to Sevastopol (Bronze Trophy) --- Complete the second mission
You Shouldn't Be There. (Bronze Trophy) --- Complete the fourth mission

Secret Trophies
To unlock the following Secret Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
100 Times Too Many (Bronze Trophy) --- Get killed by the Alien 100 times
Back Off (Bronze Trophy) --- Cause the Alien to retreat by using the flamethrower
Mind Your Step (Bronze Trophy) --- Navigate Reactor Maintenance without dying
Not the First (Bronze Trophy) --- Turn off the beacon
Retreat From Fire (Bronze Trophy) --- Cause the Alien to retreat using a molotov
Stunned (Bronze Trophy) --- Knock down a human or stun an android with a non-lethal attack

Survivor achievement or trophy
The hardest difficulty available was added through a post-release patch, and is not required to earn "Survivor". Instead, complete the game under the Hard difficulty setting.

One Shot achievement or trophy
Play under the Novice difficulty setting. Quickly open the menu before you dying in order to continue. If you actually end up dying, do not load the current saved game. Instead, use the second option to load the previous save. Although this will resume the game further back, it prevents the death from counting.

Mercy or Prudence? achievement or trophy
Using the stun baton on human target counts as a kill. Avoid using that weapon.

100 Times Too Many achievement or trophy
Play mission 6 to easily get killed at the start before entering the chambers.

Harrison Ford Bladerunner

In mission 2 go to the Sevastopol station and check in in with your android, discover the station to discover origami foil unicorns in numerous places. This is a reference to another Ridley Scott movie, Bladerunner, where Harrison Ford discovers one at the end of the film.

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