Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Playstation Vita Cheats - Ar Nosurge: Ode To An Unborn Star

To unlock the following Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
A Planet Reborn (Bronze) --- PHASE 3 completed.
Acquired All Trophies (Platinum) --- Acquired All Trophies
Beginner Chain (Bronze) --- Chained a few in a single battle.
Burst (Bronze) --- Burst a little in a single battle.
Burster (Silver) --- Burst quite a bit in a single battle
Burstest! (Gold) --- Burst a lot in a single battle.
Gourmet (Silver) --- Synthesized many items with Nay.
Maniac Chain (Gold) --- Chained a lot in a single battle.
Pro Chain (Silver) --- Chained quite a bit in a single battle.
Purification with Cass (Silver) --- Chatted a lot with Cass in Purification.
Purification with Ion (Silver) --- Chatted a lot with Ion in Purification.
Science Girl (Silver) --- Synthesized many items with Sarly.
So Many Birds (Silver) --- Synthesized many items with Kanon.
The World Accelerates (Bronze) --- PHASE 2 completed
The World Moves (Bronze) --- PHASE 1 completed.
Troublemaker (Silver) --- Synthesized many items with Tattoria.

Secret Trophies
To unlock the following Secret Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Abandon All Else... (Silver) --- Saw the Shurelia ending.
Bright World (Silver) --- Reached the end of Ion's Genometrics.
Fun-Install (Gold) --- Repeatedly installed to breasts in Purification.
I Refuse. (Bronze) --- Heartlessly refused Ion's request.
Lots of Friends (Silver) --- Acquired all Friend Skills.
Regional Nyuroki (Silver) --- Purchased all regional Nyuroki at shops.
Reincarnation! (Gold) --- Succeed in reviving Prim.
Thank you, see you again! (Gold) --- Saw Ion and Nelo off to the Will of Exapico.
That's Not Right! (Silver) --- Healed the enemy with "Artificial Flower" Song Magic.

True Treasure (Silver) --- Reached the end of Cass' Genometrics.

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