Saturday, September 17, 2016

3DO Interactive Multiplayer Cheats - Panzer General

Finish scenario:
To finish any scenario in the campaign game, hold X + P + C (in that order) and press Left. A menu will appear allowing the choice of achieving a major victory, minor victory, loss, or quitting the game.

Game bug:
A bug in the 3DO version prevents the game from progressing to Washington when a major victory is achieved in Sealion 43. However, the game will allow access to Washington through Sealion 40.

Saved Game bug:
A save game can only exist with three other game saves (you can only have three other games saved in order to save one game of Panzer General). SSI has announced no plans to fix this, and contends that because the save game will become very large as the game progresses, there will be no room for any other games.


Finish scenario:
To finish any scenario in the campaign game, hold X + P + C (in that order) and press Left. A menu will appear allowing the choice of achieving a major victory, minor victory, loss, or quitting the game.

Game bug:
A bug in the 3DO version prevents the game from progressing to Washington when a major victory is achieved in Sealion 43. However, the game will allow access to Washington through Sealion 40.

Saved Game bug:
A save game can only exist with three other game saves (you can only have three other games saved in order to save one game of Panzer General). SSI has announced no plans to fix this, and contends that because the save game will become very large as the game progresses, there will be no room for any other games.


[Bug #1: This game has a very unfortunate save game bug. A save game from Panzer can only exist with three other game saves. In other words, you can only have three other games saved in order to save one game of Panzer. SSI has announced no plans to fix this, and contends that because the save game will become very big as you progress through the scenerios you won't have room for any other games.]

[Bug #2: You can not get to the Washington scenario by winning a major victory in SeaLion 43. The bug (Confirmed by SSI) always will kick you to Anzio. You can, however, get to Washington through SeaLion 40. To work around this, see the cheat code below.]
End Scenerio
Press and hold down Stop, Play, and C (In that order) and while holding those down, tap Left on the direction pad. You will be given a menu to chose between "achieving" a major victory, loss, or quit.

Panzer General Scenario Flow Table
Tu Scenario           Major                Minor                 Loss
-- ------------------ -------------------- --------------------- -------------
 7 Poland             Warsaw               Warsaw                LOSE
13 Warsaw             Norway               Low_Countries         LOSE
20 Norway             Low_Countries        Low_Countries         Low_Countries
25 Low_Countries      France_I             France_II             France_II
14 France_I           Sealion_Plus/40      North_Africa/Balkans  LOSE
14 France_II          North_Africa/Balkans North_Africa/Balkans  LOSE
13 Sealion_40         Barbarossa[NoW]      North_Africa/Balkans  LOSE
20 North_Africa       Middle_East          El_Alamein/Kiev       Torch
21 Middle_East        Sealion_43/Caucasus  Caucasus              El_Alamein
26 El_Alamein         Sealion_43           Torch                 Torch
18 Caucasus           Moscow_42            Kharkov               Kharkov
13 Sealion_43         Moscow_43[NoW]       Moscow_43             Anzio
13 Sealion_43(NoE)    Washington           Anzio                 Anzio
 D Torch              Husky/Kursk          Husky                 Husky
*D Torch(NoE)         Husky                Husky                 Husky
?D Husky              Moscow_43            Moscow_43             Moscow_43
*D Husky(NoE)         Anzio                Anzio                 Anzio
 D Anzio              D-Day/Byelorussia    D-Day                 MAJOR_DEFEAT
 D Anzio(NoE)         D-Day                D-Day                 MINOR_DEFEAT
 D D-Day              Anvil                Cobra                 Cobra
 D Anvil              Ardennes             Market_Garden         Market
NA Ardennes           Budapest[NoW]        Berlin                Berlin
NA Ardennes(NoE)      MINOR_VICTORY        Berlin_West           Berlin_West
 D Cobra              Ardennes             Market_Garden         Market_Garden
 D Market_Garden      Ardennes             Ardennes              Berlin
 D Market_Garden(NoE) Ardennes             Ardennes              Berlin_West
 D Berlin_West        MINOR_VICTORY        DRAW                  MAJOR_DEFEAT
22 Balkans            Crete                Barbarossa            Barbarossa
11 Crete              Barbarossa           Barbarossa            Barbarossa
18 Barbarossa         Early_Moscow/Kiev    Kiev                  LOSE
20 Kiev               Moscow_41            Moscow_41             Sevastopol
18 Moscow_41          Sealion_43[NoE]      El_Alamein/Sevastopol Sevastopol
18 Moscow_41(NoW)     Washington           Sevastopol            Sevastopol
14 Sevastopol         Stalingrad           Stalingrad            LOSE
14 Sevastopol(NoW)    Stalingrad           Stalingrad            MINOR_DEFEAT
17 Moscow_42          Sealion_43[NoE]      Kharkov               Kharkov
17 Moscow_42(NoW)     Washington           Kharkov               Kharkov
18 Stalingrad         Moscow_42            Husky/Kharkov         Kharkov
18 Stalingrad(NoW)    Moscow_42            Kharkov               Kharkov
15 Kharkov            Moscow_43            Kursk                 Byelorussia
 D Kursk              Moscow_43            Byelorussia/Anzio     Byelorussia
 D Kursk(NoW)         Moscow_43            Byelorussia           Byelorussia
16 Moscow_43          D-Day[NoE]           Byelorussia/D-Day     Byelorussia
16 Moscow_43(NoW)     Washington           Byelorussia           Byelorussia
 D Byelorussia        Ardennes             Ardennes              Berlin
 D Byelorussia(NoW)   Budapest             Budapest              Berlin_East
15 Budapest           Berlin_West[NoE]     Berlin                Berlin
15 Budapest(NoW)      MINOR_VICTORY        Berlin_East           Berlin_East
 D Berlin_East        MINOR_VICTORY        DRAW                  MAJOR_DEFEAT
 D Berlin             DRAW                 MINOR_DEFEAT          MAJOR_DEFEAT
15 Washington         MAJOR_VICTORY        MINOR_VICTORY         MINOR_DEFEAT
19 Early_Moscow       Sealion_43[NoE]      El_Alamein/Sevastopol Sevastopol
19 Early_Moscow(NoW)  Washington           Sevastopol            Sevastopol
13 Sealion_Plus       Barbarossa           North_Africa/Balkans  LOSE

"Tu" column lists the turn that a major victory can be accomplished by when on the offensive except for the following codes:
"D"  - axis are on the defensive, objectives must be held.
"NA" - is for Ardennes which is an offensive scenario with special victory conditions.
"*"  - seemingly impossible state to be in.
"?"  - not sure about path for minor and loss.
"??" - not sure about turn for major.

"[NoW]" means war is over in the west: use scenarios which include the line "(NoE)" from now on.

"[NoE]" means war is over in the east: use scenarios which include the line "(NoW)" from now on.

A result listed as "scenario1/scenario2" means the player can choose between the two scenarios to play.

All other results, like "LOSE" for example, end the game.

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