Thursday, December 22, 2016

Playstation Vita Cheats - MUD - FIM Motocross World Championship

To unlock the following PSVita Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
A Hard Race Night (Bronze) --- Finish a hard Quick Race of 7 minutes + 2 laps in MUD World Tour
A man, a nation (Bronze) --- Win a Monster Energy FIM MXoN in Multiplayer
After me the deluge! (Bronze) --- Win every the events of at least one Stage in MUD World Tour
Be the Host! (Bronze) --- Make a Lobby and Start a race!
Do NOT like the ground! (Bronze) --- Finish in one of the first three positions without falling in Official Mode
Dynamite Fuel (Bronze) --- Purchase the 9th Stage in MUD World Tour
Eager for Checkpoints (Bronze) --- Pass through a total amount of 250 Checkpoints in MUD World Tour
Easy as falling off a log (Bronze) --- Win a Quick Race in Official Mode
Enough?? (Silver) --- Win every the events of every the Levels in MUD World Tour
Fashion Victim (Silver) --- Unlock every helmets in MUD World Tour
Firestarter (Silver) --- Do 25 Burning Starts in any Game Mode!
First Round (Bronze) --- Beat Cairoli in the first race of a Championship in Official Mode
Flaming Wheels (Bronze) --- Purchase the 5th Stage in MUD World Tour
Four Heroes, one Champion! (Bronze) --- Win the Monster Energy FIM MXoN Event in MUD World Tour
Getting to know your new Heroes (Bronze) --- Purchase the 2nd Stage in MUD World Tour
Gilded Crew (Bronze) --- Accomplish your Heroes' Team Target 20 times in MUD World Tour
He definitely has talent! (Bronze) --- Finish a race with a Hero with the right Talent for that Event in MUD World Tour
Hit the Rock (Bronze) --- Beat Roczen in a Championship in Official Mode
Homeboy (Silver) --- Finish a Monster Energy FIM MXoN race in Official Mode
I love my Connection! (Bronze) --- Take part in 20 races in Multiplayer
Is he your favourite? (Bronze) --- Get to 5 points in one of your Hero Skills in MUD World Tour
Is that your heaven spot? (Bronze) --- Select the same gate number 5 times on different tracks
It is NOT his Achilles' heel! (Silver) --- Get to the top (10 points) in one of your Hero Skills in MUD World Tour
Know 'em every (Silver) --- Finish at least one race on every 12 Official Tracks in any Game Mode
MUD Princess (Bronze) --- Purchase the 13th Stage in MUD World Tour
Multiplayer Maniac (Silver) --- Finish 100 races in Multiplayer
Owned (Platinum) --- Unlock every Trophies
Points to count (Bronze) --- Earn 450 experience points in a Quick Race in Multiplayer
Race again, and again! (Gold) --- Finish 150 races in any Game Mode apart from Qualifying Mode
Raising to the top! (Silver) --- Get to Stage 20 in Multiplayer
Ride hard or ride home! (Bronze) --- Win a Quick Race in Multiplayer
Scrub Around (Bronze) --- Perform 30 Scrubs in any Game Mode!
Someone is getting better (Silver) --- Get to Stage 50 in Multiplayer
Take a course of MUD (Bronze) --- Fall a total of 10 times in a race in any Game Mode
The Collector (Gold) --- Purchase every Levels, Events and Heroes in MUD World Tour
The conquest of the throne! (Silver) --- Win an MX1 Official Championship in Official Mode
The four MUDsketeers. (Silver) --- Win every the events of at least one Stage with every your Heroes in MUD World Tour
The Gladiator (Bronze) --- Visit one of the available Arenas in MUD World Tour
The guys love me (Bronze) --- Accomplish your Heroes' Trick Crew Target 10 times in MUD World Tour
The Team Check List (Silver) --- Unlock every MX1 Teams in MUD World Tour
Thirst for Resistance (Bronze) --- Purchase every the Energy Drink Cards in MUD World Tour
Three is better than one (Bronze) --- Finish in one of the first 3 positions in the first 3 Races of a Championship in Official Mode
What a Record! (Bronze) --- Pass through 45 Checkpoints in the same Checkpoint Race in MUD World Tour
You are a Tricky Guy (Silver) --- Purchase every the Trick Cards in MUD World Tour
You like it different! (Bronze) --- Customise a Championship in Official Mode

Secret Trophies
To unlock the following PSVita - Secret Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
I hope you like cards (Bronze) --- Purchase your first equipment card in MUD World Tour!
Ready to get MUD? (Bronze) --- Enter for the first time in the Main Page of MUD World Tour

The last starting Trophy (Bronze) --- Enter the Main Menu

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