Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Playstation 4 Cheats - Rocket League

To unlock the following Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Barras Bravas (Bronze Trophy) --- Play an Online game with a Friend
Battle-Car Collector (Silver Trophy) --- Unlock all Battle-Cars
Break Shot (Silver Trophy) --- Score a goal by hitting your opponent into the ball
Champion (Gold Trophy) --- Win the Season Championship
Clean Sheet (Bronze Trophy) --- Win a game without giving up a single Goal
Double Up (Bronze Trophy) --- Win a 2v2 game
Drill Sergeant (Silver Trophy) --- Complete every Practice Drill (any difficulty)
Drops in the Bucket (Silver Trophy) --- Collect 50 Items
Far, Far Away... (Gold Trophy) --- Drive a total of 500 km
Feather in Your Recap (Bronze Trophy) --- Watch a save file in Replay mode
First-Timer (Bronze Trophy) --- Score your first Goal
Friendly (Bronze Trophy) --- Play an Exhibition match
Grease Monkey (Silver Trophy) --- Customize every slot on a single Battle-Car
Helen's Pride (Silver Trophy) --- Score 6 Goals in a single game
Know the Drill (Bronze Trophy) --- Complete a Practice Drill
Minute to Win it (Bronze Trophy) --- With only 60 seconds left, Win a game in which you were tied or trailing
Perfect Start (Bronze Trophy) --- Win your first game of the Season
Pick-Me Up (Bronze Trophy) --- Collect 5 Items
Pitch Veteran (Silver Trophy) --- Play a total of 20 games across any game mode
Rider's Block (Silver Trophy) --- Make 20 Saves
Rocketeer (Silver Trophy) --- Complete the regular Season
SARPBC Forever (Bronze Trophy) --- Play with both classic Battle-Cars
Singles Club (Bronze Trophy) --- Win a 1v1 game
Speed Demon (Bronze Trophy) --- Completely fill and then empty your Rocket Boost 10 times in a single match
Still A Show-Off (Bronze Trophy) --- Score a goal while reversing
Stocked (Gold Trophy) --- Collect all Items
Super Victorious (Gold Trophy) --- Win a total of 30 games across any game mode
Team Player (Bronze Trophy) --- Play against every team in a Season
The Streak (Gold Trophy) --- Win 10 games in a row across any mode
Tinkerer (Bronze Trophy) --- Customize one slot on a single Battle-Car
Traveler (Bronze Trophy) --- Play in every Rocket League stadium
Triple Threat (Bronze Trophy) --- Win a 3v3 game
Turbocharger (Silver Trophy) --- Use your Rocket Boost for a total of 5 minutes
Virtuoso (Platinum Trophy) --- Unlock All Trophies
Wall-Crawler (Bronze Trophy) --- Drive on the dome walls for a total of 5 minutes
Winner (Bronze Trophy) --- Win a total of 5 games across any mode

DLC Trophies - Utopia Coliseum
To unlock the following Utopia Coliseum DLC Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
All Fours (Bronze Trophy) --- Win a 4v4 game
Gladiator (Bronze Trophy) --- Play a game on Utopia Coliseum
Sky High (Bronze Trophy) --- Score an Aerial Goal

DLC Trophies - Supersonic Fury
To unlock the following Supersonic Fury DLC Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
An Inch and 62 Miles (Silver Trophy) --- Drive 100 km with either the Cristiano or Spinner Wheels
Don't Look Back (Bronze Trophy) --- Use the Burnout or Nitrous Rocket Boost for a total of 10 minutes
Drift King (Bronze Trophy) --- Perform a 180 powerslide with both the Cristiano and Spinner Wheels
Family, Not Friends (Bronze Trophy) --- Play a complete game with both Dominus and Takumi
Ride or Die (Silver Trophy) --- Equip both Dominus and Takumi with a new Decal and Paint Finish, then win a game
Winning is Winning (Gold Trophy) --- Win a Season Championship using Dominus or Takumi in every game

DLC Trophies - Revenge of the Battle-Cars
To unlock the following Revenge of the Battle-Cars DLC Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Heartbreaker (Silver Trophy) --- Win a game against All-Star Bots with the Hearts Decal equipped
Hot Shot, Part Two (Bronze Trophy) --- Win the MVP award using Scarab or Zippy
Natural Progression (Silver Trophy) --- Win an Online Match with Scarab or Zippy
Survival of the Fittest (Gold Trophy) --- Equip the Shark Fin Topper and win an Unfair Bot Match
Throwback (Bronze Trophy) --- Use the Accelerato Boost with an original Battle-Car while playing in a SARPBC-inspired arena

Experience points List
Gain the suggested amount of experience to reach the matching level.
Level --- Experience
2 --- 1000
3 --- 2000
4 --- 3250
5 --- 4750
6 --- 6500
7 --- 9250
8 --- 13000
9 --- 17750
10 --- 23500
11 --- 30250
12 --- 38750
13 --- 49000
14 --- 61000
15 --- 74750
16 --- 90250
17 --- 108250
18 --- 128750
19 --- 151750
20 --- 177250
21 --- 205250
22 --- 236500
23 --- 271000
24 --- 308750
25 --- 349750
26 --- 394000
27 --- 442250
28 --- 494500
29 --- 550750
30 --- 611000
31 --- 675250
32 --- 744250
33 --- 818000
34 --- 896500
35 --- 979750
36 --- 1067750
37 --- 1161250
38 --- 1260250
39 --- 1364750
40 --- 1474750
41 --- 1590250
42 --- 1712000
43 --- 1840000
44 --- 1974250
45 --- 2114750
46 --- 2261500
47 --- 2415250
48 --- 2576000
49 --- 2743750
50 --- 2918500
51 --- 3100250
52 --- 3289750
53 --- 3487000
54 --- 3692000
55 --- 3904750
56 --- 4125250
57 --- 4354250
58 --- 4591750
59 --- 4837750
60 --- 5092250
61 --- 5355250
62 --- 5627500
63 --- 5909000
64 --- 6199750
65 --- 6499750
66 --- 6809000
67 --- 7128250
68 --- 7457500
69 --- 7796750
70 --- 8146000
71 --- 8505250
72 --- 8875250
73 --- 925600
74 --- 9647500
75 --- 10049750
Cap --- 10462750

SARPBC Forever - Achievement / Trophy Guide
The classic battlecars are Octane and Backfire. Play a game with them. Note: You do not have to win.

Ride or Die - Achievement / Trophy Guide
This requires the Supersonic Fury DLC. Customize both cars, then win a match with each of them. To customize, choose either car and apply one of the decals that are unique to that car. Next, apply one of the new paint finishes (for example, pearlescent or wood). The other customization items have no effect. Win a match with that car. Repeat this process for the other car. Because the type of game won does not matter, start an exhibition match with no bots, score one goal, then idle for the remaining time.

Drift King - Achievement / Trophy Guide
This requires the Supersonic Fury DLC. To perform a 180 powerslide, drive straight at full speed (without boosting), then press [Powerslide] and turn to one side until you have turned completely around. A powerslide looks different than a turn. The back of the car should move out to one side instead of your view remaining directly behind. Consider disabling ball cam. This can be done in any game type.

Don't Look Back - Achievement / Trophy Guide
This requires the Supersonic Fury DLC. Play an exhibition match with no bots and equip one of the two required boosts. When the match begins, immediately hit the ball directly into the opposing goal. After respawning for the second kickoff, completely ignore the ball. Drive to the side of the map and collect the 100% boost power-up. Boost towards the next closest one. If you hold [Boost], you can continuously do laps around the field, always collecting the 100% boost power-ups indefinitely. Completing two exhibition maps will result in almost the full 10 minutes of boost time required, as long as you do not spend time hitting the ball in or miss any of the boosts during the laps. Note: Consider equipping the Cristiano or Spinner wheels to also earn "An Inch and 62 Miles".

Sky High - Achievement Guide - Achievement / Trophy Guide

Host a private match. Join a team and have a friend join the opposite team. Have your friend continuously hit the ball high in the air. Get an Aerial Hit by hitting the ball in mid-air when it is higher than the goal. Afterwards, have your partner to get a self-goal.

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