Thursday, February 23, 2017

Playstation Vita Cheats - PulzAR

To unlock the following PSVita Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Alpha (Bronze) --- Finish all of the Alpha levels.
Beta (Bronze) --- Finish all of the Beta levels.
Constellation (Bronze) --- Find 25 stars.
Delta (Bronze) --- Finish all of the Delta levels.
Epsilon (Bronze) --- Finish all of the Epsilon levels.
Galaxy (Silver) --- Find all 75 of the stars in the game.
Gamma (Bronze) --- Finish all of the Gamma levels.
Hard Rain (Bronze) --- Finish a level before the meteors start raining down.
High Scorer (Bronze) --- Post a score to the leaderboards.
Let's Blow This Thing! (Bronze) --- Watch the entire flight of the missile and the impact on the asteroid.
Omega (Gold) --- Finish all of the levels.
Reflections (Bronze) --- Have 3 laser beams bouncing off one reflector.
Resource Efficiency (Bronze) --- Finish a level without using all AR Play Card objects.
Star Cluster (Bronze) --- Find 50 stars.
That's No Moon! (Bronze) --- Look up at the asteroid in the sky while playing a level.

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