Sunday, February 26, 2017

Playstation Vita Cheats - Putty Squad

To unlock the following Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
DARK FLOATER (Silver Trophy) --- Collect all Stars and finish Level 9.3 : Night Flight in 0:40 or less.
DON'T STOP MOVING! (Silver Trophy) --- Save all Red Putties and get to the exit of Level 3.2 : Fortress Of Klud in 1:30 or less.
FAST FOOD (Silver Trophy) --- Save all Red Putties and get to the exit of Level 4.4 : Dr Sushi's Dinner Of Fear in 1:52 or less.
FUNBELIEVABLE! (Silver Trophy) --- Save all Red Putties and get to the exit of Level 5.2 : Fun Land in 1:15 or less.
GOING UP! (Silver Trophy) --- Save all Red Putties and get to the exit of Level 1.5 : Watchtower Of Squirt in 1:45 or less.
HERO (Platinum Trophy) --- Complete all Trophies and defeat Scatterflash to be crowned King Putty
HIGH FLYER (Bronze Trophy) --- Obtain a 'P' item, then use the POD vehicle to collect a Star.
JELLY BELLY (Bronze Trophy) --- Knock out Dweezil the cat; then use his tummy to bounce to a higher area.
MAJOR PROBLEM (Silver Trophy) --- Save all Red Putties and get to the exit of Level 7.9 : Major Smith's Escape Tunnel in 2:15 or less.
NIFTY FIFTY (Bronze Trophy) --- Get your on-screen Star Counter up to 50 by collecting the Stars hidden around each level.
PREDATOR (Bronze Trophy) --- Unearth and kill all GI Pups within a level.
PUTTY POWER! (Bronze Trophy) --- Collect Stars in order to upgrade Putty's attack power. Obtain and use all of his power-ups.
ROCKET RIPPER (Bronze Trophy) --- Absorb a Firework Imp and then use it as an item in order to kill an enemy with a Firework Imp rocket.
STAR CATCHER (Silver Trophy) --- Get your on-screen Star Counter up to 200 by collecting the Stars hidden around each level.
STICK 'EM UP 1! (Silver Trophy) --- Collect all the stickers from the Sticker Book page : Phantom Pharoahs of Phut
STICK 'EM UP 10! (Gold Trophy) --- Collect all the stickers from the Sticker Book page : Putty Planet Advisor
STICK 'EM UP 2! (Silver Trophy) --- Collect all the stickers from the Sticker Book page : Secret Souks of Swat
STICK 'EM UP 3! (Silver Trophy) --- Collect all the stickers from the Sticker Book page : Karmic Kingdoms of Klud
STICK 'EM UP 4! (Silver Trophy) --- Collect all the stickers from the Sticker Book page : Septic Swamps of Sushi
STICK 'EM UP 5! (Silver Trophy) --- Collect all the stickers from the Sticker Book page : House of Happy Horrors
STICK 'EM UP 6! (Gold Trophy) --- Collect all the stickers from the Sticker Book page : Foggy Fortresses of Fear
STICK 'EM UP 7! (Gold Trophy) --- Collect all the stickers from the Sticker Book page : Lost Lanes of London
STICK 'EM UP 8! (Gold Trophy) --- Collect all the stickers from the Sticker Book page : Wicked Wizards Wastelands
STICK 'EM UP 9! (Gold Trophy) --- Collect all the stickers from the Sticker Book page : Deadly Dimensions of Dread
TOAD TICKLER (Bronze Trophy) --- Collect an 'N' item; then use a Nitro bomb, either as Putty, or from a POD, to blow up a Toad enemy.
TOMB RAIDER (Silver Trophy) --- Save all Red Putties and get to the exit of Level 1.1: Tomb Of King Phut in 1:10 or less.
TRIPLE WHAMMY (Bronze Trophy) --- Jump on a GI Pup's head, then punch the helmet so that it takes out at least three enemies in a row.
UP, UP & AWAY (Silver Trophy) --- Save all Red Putties and get to the exit of Level 6.1 : Gateway To The North in 1:15 or less.
WAIL OF A TIME (Silver Trophy) --- Save all Red Putties and get to the exit of Level 2.2 : The Wailing Tower in 1:30 or less.

WHAT A PITTA (Silver Trophy) --- Save all Red Putties and get to the exit of Level 2.1 : Bizarre Bazaar in 1:15 or less.

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