Thursday, April 6, 2017

Playstation 4 Cheats - Splice

To unlock the following Trophies, complete the following tasks:
Unlockable: --- How to Unlock:
Angelic Flight (Gold) --- Solve all Potential Angelic Strands.
Baby Steps (Bronze) --- Make your first Splice.
Epilogue Sequence 1 Complete (Bronze) --- Solve each Strand in Epilogue Sequence 1.
Epilogue Sequence 2 Complete (Bronze) --- Solve each Strand in Epilogue Sequence 2.
Epilogue Sequence 3 Complete (Bronze) --- Solve each Strand in Epilogue Sequence 3.
Epilogue Sequence 4 Complete (Bronze) --- Solve each Strand in Epilogue Sequence 4.
Epilogue Unlocked (Silver) --- You've completed all seven Sequences in the Origin Series! Now strain your brain against the four Epilogue Sequences!
Redemption (Silver) --- Complete all Sequences in the Epilogue Series.
Sequence 1 Complete (Bronze) --- Solve each Strand in Sequence 1.
Sequence 2 Complete (Bronze) --- Solve each Strand in Sequence 2.
Sequence 3 Complete (Bronze) --- Solve each Strand in Sequence 3.
Sequence 4 Complete (Bronze) --- Solve each Strand in Sequence 4.
Sequence 5 Complete (Bronze) --- Solve each Strand in Sequence 5.

Sequence 6 Complete (Bronze) --- Solve each Strand in Sequence 6.

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